Life PonDerat explained well

Life PonDerat explained well

26 May 2017

May 18 was a full day of meetings for PonDerat staff in Ventotene.

First, the elementary and middle school students of the Ventotene Comprehensive Institute joined our botanists for a demonstrative eradication of Carpobrotus plants. After a brief introduction to explain why these kind of actions are so important for the island, children and teens participated in the activity enthusiastically. Within a short time, several square meters were free from this invasive alien plant and 10 bags full of plant material were ready to be disposed of. We like to cite the words of one of the students who during the challenging activity told us: "I'm working hard only because we're doing something good for the environment." After that, the guys went around the island to discover the typical plants of coastal habitats that are endangered by the presence of invasive alien plants.

Later in the afternoon we met the inhabitants of Ventotene in the Council Room of the Municipality. We entitled the meeting "PonDerat explained well" to emphasize our desire to communicate in a simple but complete way what we want to do, how we want to do it and how citizens can help us. The meeting was attended by several people at it was stimulating, with many questions addressed by residents. In the next future there will be other occasions of comparison and exchange.

The day, intense and exciting, was also an occasion to celebrate the 25 years of the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000 Network.