9 February 2023
2023 opens with a visit to Ventotene for a targeted check on some bait stations and some phototraps to monitor the (we hope so) absence of rats.
You might ask: but wasn't Ponderat finished? Indeed yes, but every Life project includes an 'after life' phase in which actions are carried out to maintain the results of years of hard work.
Among the actions planned is biosecurity on Ventotene to prevent the re-invasion of the island by rats, and the maintenance of some communication and information activities to keep in touch with the citizens of the Ponziane islands and beyond. So keep following us through this project website and our social media.
In recent days, a small team went to Ventotene. They checked in particular the bait stations around the harbour, which constitute the biosecurity zone to prevent any rats that may have got off a ship or boat from entering the island and recolonising it, and some photo traps located at some crucial points on the island. Fortunately, the results are flattering. No traces of rats even according to the Ventotenese, who welcomed us with their usual warmth.
So it seems that the Yelkouan shearwaters, which are starting to frequent the island again at this time, can start a new breeding season without the threat of rats.