"Biosecurity Training Agenda" workshop

"Biosecurity Training Agenda" workshop

19 October 2021

At the beginning of October, the "Biosecurity Training Agenda" workshop was held in La Rochelle (France) as part of the Life Pan Puffinus project. Among the objectives, the exchange of experiences about eradication and/or control of invasive species on islands and post-eradication biosecurity activities to reduce the risk of reinvasion.

"Our" Paolo Sposimo participated in the workshop on behalf of Life Diomedee, the latest project dealing with alien species in Italian islands. Life Diomedee aims to protect shearwater colonies in Tremiti islands, whose ancient name was “Diomedee Islands”. During his presentation, entitled "Working on Italian islands - Community buy-in and building for large scale conservation vision" (download it below), Paolo summarized the history of the many projects that have occurred over the years, with a focus on the actions carried out on inhabited islands like Ventotene, with the purpose of applying to Tremiti islands all the experience gained over the years. Paolo concluded his talk with a project proposal for the future. There is still a lot of work to do to secure shearwater colonies on our islands.

Special thanks to the organizers and participants. Such high-level meetings are fundamental moments to grow and improve our action more and more.