Eradication of Carpobrotus in Passoscuro

Eradication of Carpobrotus in Passoscuro

3 April 2017

On Friday, March 31 PonDerat participated to the eradication of Carpobrotus stands on the dunes of Passoscuro with the help of the kids of the Comprehensive School of Fregene-Passoscuro "Erminio Carlini". The sand dune habitat is located within the Natural Reserve of "Litorale Romano", near the mouth of the Rio Tre Denari, one of the best preserved areas of this stretch of coast, where the final scene of “La Dolce Vita” by Federico Fellini was filmed.

The teaching event, called "Scoprinatura", was organized within the LIFE CSMON project with the collaboration of LIFE PonDerat and LIFE ASAP staff. It was the occasion for a great networking day with two other LIFE projects dealing with the problem of invasive alien species.

The final result of this wonderful initiative? Five cars filled with 40 bags of Carpobrotus! A good training for future activities on the Ponziane islands.