From dawn until after sunset

From dawn until after sunset

29 January 2021

Wind, rain, sun, and again rain, wind and sun. We call it “PonDerat weather”. And then rough sea, the fatigue after long hours in the field, between brambles and reeds, from the streets of the village to the scrub of Punta dell'Arco, from the beach of Cala Nave to the ruins of Villa Giulia, from morning to sunset and even after, to check if there are still traces of rats.

Our 2021 begins just as 2020 ended: with a control in Ventotene. This will be a crucial year for PonDerat. The project will close at the end of 2021 and after several challenging years the team is making all the effort to achieve the initial goal. Unfortunately we still cannot claim full victory. We have already obtained an exponential increase in the number of shearwaters flying away in the last years, but we cannot yet claim to have definitely eliminated the threat of rats from Ventotene and Palmarola. Meanwhile, waiting for shearwaters to return to nest sites (first Yelkouan and after Scopoli’s shearwaters) we do not give up and will continue going back to the islands.

But in addition to wind, rain and fatigue, we are sure that 2021 will still bring us laughs, encounters, exciting moments, breathtaking views and especially many days spent with a group of people, let’s say it, exceptional for their dedication to work and their ability to share commitment and friendship. This is PonDerat. Being able to work with a group like this is the best we can wish you all for this new year.