11 July 2020
Scopoli’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea are back to the Ponziane Islands. Despite the rules of "social distancing", this year in the colony of Palmarola they have crowded more than ever. During the surveys carried out by ISPRA, in fact, 17 nests occupied by brooding birds were found, including two new nests that were not present in the past years. The surveys were also carried out in the colonies of Ponza, with over 30 controlled nests.
The partners of each pair are faithful to each other over the years and every spring they return to reproduce in the same colony, often occupying the same nest. From the beginning of June until the middle of October both partners will take turns to brood their only egg and to raise and feed the chick, returning to the nest only during the darkest nights.
We will return to visit the colonies in autumn, when the chicks will be almost ready to take flight, to observe how many pairs have successfully managed to reproduce.