16 October 2019
From 26 to 29 September the 20th Italian Ornithology Conference, organized by CISO (Italian Ornithological Studies Center) and Ardea (Association for Research, Dissemination and Environmental Education), took place in Naples. "Our" Nicola Baccetti was the protagonist of an invited communication within a session moderated by Chiara Caccamo and Michelangelo Morganti and specifically dedicated to Life projects. With his speech entitled "Shearwaters, rats and LIFE: a trio focused on a few years ago, a remedy for a threat existing since millennia", he presented the "chain" of seven Life projects that since 1998 have operated on rats and seabirds on Italian islands.
Here are the seven Life projects:
- IsoTosca
The target was above all ornithological, but also economic. In particular, he wanted to show the convenience - over time - of an 'investment' in shearwaters: the cost of producing a shearwater passed in 18 years from over 100 euros to just 23, due to the effect of normal demographic trend. At this point we feel confident in advising you to stop with bitcoins and think about "birdcoins".
The Scopoli's Shearwater has been chosen as the symbol of the Conference and depicted on posters and other editorial products dedicated to the event.
Finally, we are pleased to highlight the perfect and fascinating locations such as the Donnaregina Monumental Complex or the rooms of the Federico II Zoological Museum that hosted the poster session.