24 June 2019
In mid-June the third visit of the EU monitoring team took place. We had the pleasure to meet Mascha Stroobant, monitoring expert in NEEMO EEIG, and Maja Mikosinska, from EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).
The technical and administrative parts were hosted by the Ente Parco Riserva di Ulisse in the Labter office in the town of Scauri. Each partner presented the status of implementation of specific activities, some preliminary results, and expected progress. Review of expenditures and financial tables were also examined.
In the evening we left for Ponza, which was the base for visiting Palmarola on the second day. Here the EU team inspected some of the project actions such as rat eradication, removal of feral goats, and habitat monitoring. Back in Ponza, we also met the mayor of Ponza, Mr Francesco Ferraiuolo; for exchanging ideas on future activities and collaborations.
Following, some pictures taken in these fruitful 3 days.
And the project goes on…